Make your code stand out with Codye

Present code in 100+ languages and 80+ themes in HTML, PNG, JPG and RTF

Codye 2 - Redesigned with presets and custom themes | Product Hunt

Here's some of what you can do with Codye...


New in 2.0

Tweak when needed, save for later

Codye is made for tweaking and customizing when it matters, and so does streamlining your workflow. With presets, you can save all your settings to apply later.


New in 2.0

Make it yours

Pick from a set of 80+ built-in themes, or create your own. You can even import existing Xcode themes you already know and love.


Export formats

Export to PNG, HTML, JPG, and RTF. For image formats, DCI-P3 color gamut and high resolutions are also available.

Shortcuts Integration

Custom fonts

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